We love our great farm equipment. We are especially confident in our large John Deere tractors, tillage equipment and planters. With over 4,000 acres to plant, till, spray and harvest, using quality equipment is key to our successful operation. We view our equipment as the best equipment which will competently handle all of our beautiful fertile soil in Spring, Summer and Fall.
We also have a fleet of Straight Trucks and Semi trailers to move the potatoes out of the field after the harvest. We maintain them and keep them in great running condition. At harvest time we need our employees to take the potatoes out of the field to the wash plant where they can be cleaned, packaged and ready for shipment all over the country.
Maintaining our equipment is the key to being able to effectively plant in the Spring, keep the crops growing throughout the Summer and a successful harvest in the Fall. At JCP farms we utilize equipment that are know for their reliability and we maintain the implements so that our workers can depend on it. We know that a successful operation relies on sturdy, well-maintained equipment.